Transmission of media, infection of virus, and spread of fear…The first part of this duo, “Distancing”, represents not only social distance caused by the pandemic but also indifference of modern society. The breathless-like timbre of clarinet and long-distance conversation between left and right hand of piano express the difficulty of breathing and distance between people. The second part, “Variant”, opens with ferocious and uncertain harmonic rapid notes, expressing inconsistency of virus and public’s unsettled mind. After all, when it comes to the turmoil that pandemic brings, we have to embrace the inevitability of life. The piece ends with the repetition of notes with circus, jazz-like dance after all the variations of the opening theme. For better or the worse, the virus will always be with us, and so does music, which brings both sorrow and joy. (This piece is commissioned by Chih-Chien Lin)
媒體的傳播、病毒的傳染、恐慌的傳遞……第一段「疏離」表達的不只是病毒帶來的社交距離,更是當代的情感冷漠。距離的拉遠、確診後氣味的變調、生命氣息的消退,表達於單簧管如呼吸般的長音以及鋼琴左右手疏離的對話。第二段「變異」以狂躁不和諧的快速音開啟,當社會面臨病毒一次次的變種,人心一波波的翻轉,全觀來看是一場洗滌生命的儀式,人們終須接受疫情所帶來的改變。曲子在多段變奏後以恣意嬉鬧的三拍子下結束,不再是憂鬱或狂躁的音調,而是體悟音樂也許是最棒的傳遞良藥,無論是苦難或是雀躍,音樂總能擁抱你的一切。 (此曲為林志謙委託林弘韜作曲)
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September 2024
© 2023 by Hung-Tao Lin